Press & Media2022-03-08T16:07:33-05:00


Parade magazine article

Parade Magazine: “Take Back Your Weekend” by Amy Wood

These days, managing your weekend is like running a marathon at a sprinter’s pace—with a stagger across the finish line on Sunday night. Too many people aren’t enjoying themselves on the weekends. Read this article to learn how to take back your weekend.

Featured article

Navigating Negativity: 4 Ways to Be Properly Optimistic in the Workplace

As any astute HR professional knows, too much negativity is draining, deflating, and downright depressing in the workplace. But too much positivity can lead to denial, avoidance, and dangerous oversights. The key is to strike a healthy balance between needless catastrophizing and inflated confidence.

featured article

5-Minute Mood Boosters

Beat the blues in a flash with these eight cheer-up techniques.

Reviews & Awards for Life Your Way by Dr. Amy Wood

Featured Review

Life Your Way by Amy Wood is the “real deal,” an authentic self-help book with an inviting professional style that is indubitably inspiring and downright rational—a pearl of practical wisdom among the swells of personal transformation writings flooding the information age.”

–The US Review of Books


"Life Your Way" received the Eric Hoffer First Horizon Award in the Self-Help category for 2012.

Top 12 Spirited Woman Book Pick List

Top 12 Spirited Woman Book Pick List


Buy “Life Your Way” by Dr. Amy Wood on Amazon


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Sensible Multitasking: The Smart Way to Get More Done in Less Time

Imagine there’s no pandemic and you’re sitting in a restaurant booth enjoying lunch and catching up with a close friend you haven’t seen in a while. You lean in closer as your friend begins to update you on a pressing personal problem, and just then you hear someone in the booth behind you mention the name of a colleague.

Read more in this Ask Amy column in the Maine Bar Journal.

Living in the Moment: A Realistic Approach for Your Life

I need to start living in the moment.

If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard a wiped out, overextended attorney client say that to me, I’d be the wealthiest psychologist this side of the Mississippi.

Read this article from the Maine Bar Journal.


Life Lessons: The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received—or Given—and Why

What’s the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Or given? We pose these questions to well-known figures around Maine, as well as to anyone who wants to weigh in, and gain some wisdom about how to approach life.

Listen to this PodCast on Maine Public Radio.

Anxiety & Stress Due to COVID-19: How To Cope During These Uncertain Times

With so many unanswerable questions about COVID-19, we are all living in a time of uncertainty, combined with worry over the disease itself, drastic changes in our lifestyles and livelihoods, and a worldwide economic downturn. How do we cope with the anxiety and stress during these difficult times?

Learn more – Maine Public Radio.

Adulting: Why and How Young People Are Seeking Out Lessons in Basic Life Skills

The term “adulting” refers to learning how to behave as a responsible adult. While it’s often used in a joking way, it’s no joke that many young people today must learn basic daily skills, from writing checks to cooking to dealing with a flat tire. …
Listen to this podcast.

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